Olympic Trials Bid Update

Thought I'd keep you up to date. I know you haven't heard much from us lately but that doesn't mean we haven't been hard at work.

We just received the second round of follow-up questions. The list they sent out was the same for each club. The fact that we had already answered many of the questions makes me feel that we did a pretty good job with the first draft in June.

A lot of the other questions were very detailed and well thought out, the committee sounds like a very talented bunch.

We feel we are still one of the contenders against formidable competition. You can rest assured we're doing our best and still feel confident in our bid proposal.

I have just learned that the head of the Site Selection committee will be attending the Liptons in the Bay over Labor Day weekend, so I need everyone to be on best behavior. I know, that may be askng too much, but just be aware that the stranger next to you in the parking lot or in the bar just may be someone who has a great deal of influence as to whether we host the Olympic Trials in 2007.

We'll stay in touch.

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Olympic Trials Bid Update
Re: Olympic Trials Bid Update
Re: Olympic Trials Bid Update
Re: Olympic Trials Bid Update
Re: Olympic Trials Bid Update
Re: Olympic Trials Bid Update
Re: On my best what?
Re: On my best what?
Re: On my best what?
Re: On my best what?
Re: On my best what?
Re: On my best what?
Re: On my best what?
Re: On my best what?
I take it I have to stay home...!!!! *NM*
Re: I take it I have to stay home...!!!!
Re: I take it I have to stay home...!!!!
Re: On my best what?