Yep boys and girls sailors and I dare say sailorettes...hang on be prepared I don't have spell check so get out your foreign language translator...the porcipine chauhaua is back and pissed off
BAD DOG as usual pulls no punches. I would be home in a slightly damp house with plenty of food and water except for a slight the people that were supposed to check on crap like HOLES IN THE LEVEE's were busy having a meeting and telling people the emergancy help would be out as soon as it was safe....HELLO....I was out listening to this carying people from wet areas to the dome while these political jerks where saying how well everything went when the storm sort of clipped up with just wind....and as soon as it was SAFE to be out (remember i am out in my truck at this time... carting people around)...Entergy BOZO says as soon as his people were able to go safely and walk through the water without being shocked by the down lines (by the way the power went OUT about 5:20 AM and this was 7:30 or so) I figured the entergy boys could have just followed the displaced people around as it seemed safe to them and me...
So ENTERGY people I do understand that the scope of damage was so great the people out and about would have been able to do almost nothing...but you still would not make it as BAD DOG pussy's on BAD DOG...
Next if I hear one more polititian talk about all they are doing and how much the other polatition is doing...(Brousard takes the cake for telling me he craps in a bag) (usually said from a bunker someplace) I think I am going to vomit....or lick my ass....I went to sleep for 2 hours after getting looters away from my door with 45 caliber wake up and still these BLOWZO's hadn't found or even knew where the water was coming from....HELLO put a few people on a levee hand them a radio and when their feet hit water FIX THE PROBLEM....D'oh....but after dragging people out of holes through the roof most alive and some not... all the bitching and finger pointing isn't going to do any good so after this one "HOW IT REALLY WAS POST" I will go back to my usual positive self...I did want it writen before it was whitewashed...
Cell phone companies could have dropped more batteries or generators at their antenas and helped with comunications....But NO guess it's a bottom line thing...
Phone comapany......JOKE
looters started on the second day maurading groups of long white teeshirts stained from water wine and beer were attemting to take or brake into everywhere...while the good people in the world were helping the less fortunate out...some even had the dumb Idea that I wanted to let them use my pretty RED pickup for their dasterdly deeds...they too turned from a pack of attack dogs to a bunch of pussy's when confronted with a 45 at point blank and asked if they really wanted the truck...big change of heart there....
But as I looked around there was 200 to 500 hundred of these anal opening heathens and me with only three clips of eleven or so reasons in each to see it my that time which also coinsided with the water coming up to wheel level on my pretty red off to the dome to get some ambulance to come and pick up the Bertucies as they weren't allowed into the hospitals and they didn't want to get in my truck to go to the off i went with what few things I had figuring I would be back to get more when I came with the ambulance...unfortunatly this was one of the few times BAD DOG lied as I could not get back to anybody if you can send soemone to 4215 magnolia please check on the Bertucies........I feel so bad about not making it back...but the road was flooded and the before mentioned throngs were scampering on to the road ways with bats and I took off to Baton rouge and ended up at hooters not far from BDB whom i found after a nice enjoyable (few) glasses Of wine at Jay's house in B.R. thats it till now.....tomorrow I sneak back in to downtown and check on people and property...if you need something down town or lake here with address and what you need....