First 36.7
In Response To: Re: still missing ()


I had a 3-day old first 36.7 in slip 158 on the east side (SYC side). This was the middle of the three piers and the slip was on the north side It had not been commissioned, so no mast, running rigging, etc. The #200 was written on the transom. Sam's first 36.7 was about 15 slips closer tp SYC on the same side and pier. If you know someone who is going can you have them look for both boats. The easiest way to distinguish is that Sams boats was fully rigged.

Tell whoever is going to be careful.

Thank You.

Bill Coates

Messages In This Thread

still missing
Re: still missing
First 36.7
Re: First 36.7
Re: still missing
Re: still missing