Cousin Missing at 405 Florida Blvd?

Hazel Sanchez and Bill Cahill are concerned for Hazel’s cousin Beverly Spivey. Her home is located at 405 Florida Blvd. Several relatives have been contacted. Beverly has not been heard from since before the storm. Anyone in the neighborhood please, if time and safety permit, pass by and let us know the condition of her home, and whether her Lexis is in the garage (garage is entered from the rear from ally off of Rosemary Pl.) Link to map:,+New+Orleans,+LA+70124&spn=0.004970,0.008613&t=h&hl=en

That’s two blocks in from the Canal Blvd. Exit from I-10 Westbound. Second Block
between Rosemary Pl. and Woodlawn Pl, lakeside of the block.

Please post, email or call with any news:

Bill and Hazel 512-264-7131 (h), 512-663-1570 (m) 512-663-2390 (m) 512-264-3072 (o)

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Cousin Missing at 405 Florida Blvd?
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