Trip to the Cesspool..err..New Orleans

Don & Janice Griglack,Den Richards and I took the trip into MYH yesterday in a borrowed boat from Madisonville. Good news was that Wraith, Argo Navis and Rendezvous were in good condition with only cosmetic damage and are now on the bulkhead at Mandeville. The marina has to be seen to be believed with more boats on the concrete piers than in the water. Bad Dog's idea to get a barge and crane in there is a good one and could save a number of boats that appear to have just settled on dry ground when the water went down. We all know that doing anything in the marina isn't even on the radar for New Orleans city officials.

Once again we see that the irresponsible boat owners make everyone else suffer. If more boats had been tied down properly maybe things would be different there or maybe if we had a harbor master who did his job or even had a f&*king clue what his responsibilities are it would have been better as well.

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Trip to the Cesspool..err..New Orleans
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