Re: Can you direct me to pics? *PIC*
In Response To: Can you direct me to pics? ()

Download this image to your computer's Desktop by right clicking on the link above or on the image below in your browser. Then, if you're using Window XP use the Windows-M key combination to hide all your applications so you can see your desktop. Then double click on this image icon and it should open up in the WinXP image viewing application rather than the browser. Then you can zoom in and zoom out to see stuff in more or less detail.

(Internet Exploder tends to take a big image like this and shrink it down so you can't see the detail, and, as far as I know, IE doesn't give you the ability to control the zoom.)

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Can you direct me to pics?
Re: Can you direct me to pics? *PIC*
Re: Can you direct me to pics?