I wonder was ann in the room when when Bush asked if she wanted the feds to take over and she said she needed 24 hours to make up her mind....then Negan asked if she knew that in 24 hours there would be about a 1000 more dead...and she answered she needed to think about it and get some input from her advisors........now was it a turf war or a DEM verses a REP or a governor with state rights verses the feds (and i mean military not those pansy assed fima and red cross wussies) taking over issue...so the next day the verdict was NO. NO feds....does 24hours = 1000 lives i hope not .....but listening to the crap was it feds or was it dem or rep or black or white...trust me when we (white guys...and sorry don't know the two other guys political afiliation) were hacking through roof's we didn't ask are you republican or democrat or black or white....we just hacked and pulled who ever showed up ...straight hair fair skinned or nappy hair dark skinned.....liberal or conservative rich or poor they were happy to get a ride to dry land and all the other volonteers and either police or national gaurd or other rescued people that helped....
i just wanted to take a brake and see whats on the board...and i hate to see the slant things are taking now....can't we for once forget who f--ked up and just help....but if we are hell bent to lay blame lets have all the facts and not just insinuations.
here is one ot think about.....how do all the stars and singers and comedians get into the middl of all this down town and i have to sneak down with forged or borrowed papers to get me to my house my property and to help people still needing it.....another thing that just makes me go MMMMMMM....roughly 3 million people displaced, I just picked that number out the air.....from the 1.3 mil in new orleans and figuring twice that along the coast...rounded off....then take the final dollar amount given by the individuals and the government.....divide those and then tell us all where to pick up our half a million each....(the numbers are a guestemet but i bet not far off)....well back to what I was doing.......and do well ...pissing people off....oh pics should be on by about 9:00 tonight....see ya