Re: BD is my hero
In Response To: BD is my hero ()

thanks MW but done the hero bit when it was people thisw is just for my fellow sailers ...besides I have no copier business to do hell I have no idea why people aren't buying copiers and printers and fax's it seems something else has their interest now...this is getting done because I know how people feel about their boats..(like me) and if it helps just a little to easy their mind or confirm their fears the very least they can go on knowing istead of wondering...and lets not forget Chris W with the first pics and stanton with the follow up....I just don't have a house yet to work on cause I can't borrow ricardo's diving gear to pull up my's still under 8 feet of water.....

I will be offering equipment (copiers, printers, faxes @ cost...thats what I pay for them plus frieght and the stuff to run them up at my cost not one penny profit) those that need it...dropped shipped new or used whatever... just let me know when and where you can reach me at the email address above...all this was just a ploy to increase my customer base...LOL

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going back to harbor.....
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Re: going back to harbor.....
Re: going back to harbor.....
Re: going back to harbor.....
BD is my hero
Re: BD is my hero
Re: BD is my hero
I keep saying I just LOOK STUPID *NM*
Re: BD is my hero
Re: BD is my hero
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Re: BD is my hero
Re: going back to harbor.....
Re: going back to harbor.....