Gee, all you people arguing the lies that all of those politicians put out. Were the state and city and parishes behind the curve? Yes. Was the fed.response late and slow? Yes. Was confusion, ignorance and stupidity rampant? yes. Did Blanco and Nagin Drop the ball? yes. Did Bush load Fema with political appointees who are inept. yes. Was this possible the largest diaster to hit the U.S.?yes. DON'T BELIEVE ANY OF WHAT THEY TELL YOU. YOUR GOVERNMENTS ARE NOT ON YOUR SIDE. They all just try to maintain and increase their power at the expense of the truth. And we like fish swallow their lies like gospel. Don't trust them.They are not on your side. Even in the face of this catostrophe they are still covering their asses first and everythibg else second. Republicans, Democrats it doesn't matter. They all suck the big one.