Hey Java Boy,
I was pretty outraged by the lawlessness as well. It should have been made clear when they announced the manatory evac, looters would be shot
on the spot. If the cops had fired a couple of rounds, the "unproductives" would have scrambled quickly. The word would have been on the street the cops were shooting people. It was poor planning on part of the city not to provided sufficient security at the dome and convention center.
As far as industry goes, I have already lost two of my major clients to other cities. On the other hand, I have new work. For me, I suppose it will balance out in the long run.
I see a real opportunity for the whole New Orleans area. New Orleans was suffering from poor infrastructure for decades with no money to fix it. Now, if the right leadership steps up to the plate with a real vision for the city, New Orleans could be a much better place. For one thing, the "unproductive" members of the New Orleans area will not be returning anytime soon. There is no housing for them. I'm sure it will be years before public housing will be built. I expect most of the new money will be invested in infrastructure, and industry. The folks with money will be snatching up property and rebuilding neighborhoods. Every available house, condo and apt has been snatched up in a 200 mile radius. As the neighborhoods get rebuilt, those people will move back. As the neighborhood are brought back on line, the people will move back. I know I will.
I know of many people who are not going to return to New Orleans. Many will be sorely missed. Maybe when things are further along, they will return.
I know I will miss the great New Orleans racing fleet. It will take years before the fleet reaches it pre-Katrina level. I hope folks will choose to replace their destroyed boat with another one.
That's my 2 cents.