New Orleans Loyalists:
It is time for New Orleans to seize its assets. It is time to demand, by way
of river blockades, high percentages of oil and gas revenues resulting from
our land and coastline and from the transportation of our resources through
OUR section of the Mississippi River, by way of OUR port. It is time to
claim Eminent DOMAIN for the section of the Mississippi River which is
bordered on both sides by Orleans Parish.
It is time to make the historic Boston Tea Party merely a white glove
affair. For the NEW ORLEANS FLOAT(ING) PARTY lets wear boxing gloves
instead. NEW ORLEANS existed before it was part of the United States.
It can do so again. Gentle Readers, it is time for revolt. And we hold the
I propose that all those in possession of a boat of any kind, a float of any
kind, an innovative barge of any kind join me in a blockade of the
Mississippi River under the twin spans on Sunday, December 18th.
Bring ropes to hook our sails together and anchor to the bridge pilings as
one united blockade.
Please sign up for the NEW ORLEANS FLOAT(ing) PARTY.
Daughter of New Orleans