Man what a bad day to be RC....not sure what it was like on y'alls course...but I sure was glad to be sailing and bitching about things then firing the gun and hoisting the flags....Our RC nearly killed the volonteer that had to keep setting then retrieving then resetting the anchor on RC boat...
the first day they were a tad....what...lazy...inaccurate....inattentive.... none of those fit since I know both the guys and they are none of that....but when running the race I think they got caught up in starting and finishing that they didn't see the slow creep to the left the wind was doing....lets face it they needed to start PHRF (check for a post on OD vs PHRF further up the board) then start the Finns....after that it was watch as PHRF ran over Sunfish in there twice around ..Finns finishing while sunfish starting on their second rounding then starting fins while PHRF finishes and sunfish are all over like Gnats...then ..Then...shit I am out of breath just writing about it...but how else could they get us all off and fill our 7 race series....hell you try it...
Yes they missed the shift and didn't reset the start line nor the weather mark...but that’s when racers should do there part...well not me cause hell if I know what the winds doing but the ones that actually know what a compass is and what a shift is should help RC by bringing it to their attention...had the hot shots on our course said something before it was even evident to me...we could have hinted to the RC that they do the end we did and they flew into action...Younger guy running the boat had old geezer yanking the anchor up yet again....(I bet he ain't falling for the ..."all you got to do is set the anchor I will do everything else" crap next time) and gave us some of the best upwind racing from the 3 race on....they unlike some people didn't even forget it after they slept that night and took extra pains to give us well appreciated and true Up wind Down wind (also known as W/L) courses...or as close as humanly I said I am glad I was racing as RC was not the thing to be this past weekend....gentlemen and ladies if there were any...we the idiots in the boats thanks you!