Notice of Race – 2023 Single-Handed Round the Lake Race
Hosted by Tammany Yacht Club
INVITATION & ELIGIBILITY: You are cordially invited to race in Tammany Yacht Club’s Single-Handed Round the Lake Race, to be held on Saturday, October 14th, 2023.
REGISTRATION: Regatta fee is $40, includes racing, trophies and other complements. Register online at
COURSE: The Race Committee will select a course from the mark list based on predicted weather and fleet ratings to try and have a good race lasting between 7 to 10 hours. The typical mark list will be in the Sailing Instructions.
RULES: The 2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing as published by the ISAF and adopted by the U.S. Sailing Association shall govern this regatta, except as may be modified by the sailing instructions, and any applicable class rules.
Friday, October 13th Registration until 19:30 hrs
2000 hrs Skipper’s Meeting @ TYC
Complimentary Draft Beer for skippers.
Saturday, October 14th, Prep Flag – 08:55
Sunday, October 15th, Awards at TYC – 14:00
Scoring: The Race shall be scored using ORA-1 Ratings.
Prizes: First Place will be awarded in the Spinnaker Class and Non-Spinnaker Class. The use of auto-pilots is allowed.
In classes having three or more boats Second place will be awarded. In classes having four or more boats Third place will be awarded. If there is interest, a multihull class may be added.
Registration: SHR link below