OK Here to Sail, you asked.
1. OJ is absolutely correct. Committee Boat crew work is treacherous in the predicted conditions in daylight, let alone the pitch black nighttime that we are likely to experience tonight, so unless you're willing to risk your life for everyone else to sail, you can live with The RC's judgement.
2. Over the years, there have been many accidents and near misses in this series (last of the year) due to a combination of darkness at the start, high winds, and the propensity for racers to stack up at the pin early in big breeze when going to J-mark in ENE or NNE breeze. The issue being that there is not an easy way for a yacht to exonerate herself if over early in that situation, resulting in 90 degree reach to reach turns into oncoming traffic.
I would suggest that in future years, either the last series be started earlier for more daylight, or not sailed at all if the start is scheduled after sunset. Another safety measure could include a declared upper limit on the amount of breeze that the RC could start a race in. It is my contention that the YC has some liability exposure in this situation. If you think me incorrect, just ask FYC about the Dauphin Island Race 2015.
Flame away!