Cruise Planning Course

Cruise Planning Course at USPS trailer next to NOYC
– Jan 10, 2024

There is something very special about the thrill of cruising in
new waters and the sense of accomplishment upon completing an
extended cruise. To go beyond what most boaters do on a weekend
overnight or even a week or so marina hopping requires boaters
to leave their normal cruising areas and comfort zones. The
Cruising and Cruise Planning course focuses on the planning and
preparation necessary for safe enjoyable extended cruises on
both inland and coastal waters.

Designed for members who cruise on either a sail or powerboat
(owned or chartered)—this course covers the following topics:
• Cruise preparation and planning – General
• Boat and Equipment
• Anchors and Anchoring
• Security
• Chartering
• Cruising Outside the United States
• Crew and Provisioning
• Voyage Management
• Communications
• Navigation
• Weather
• Emergencies

The Cruising and Cruise Planning Course will be taught in eight
two-hour sessions including time for review and completion of a
multiple choice, closed book, exam.
The course will be taught in the New Orleans Power Squadron
education trailer on Wednesday evenings starting on 10 January
and finishing on 6 March. There will be no class on 14 Feb, the
day after Mardi Gras.

The instructors of the course are experienced boaters who
cruised fulltime on their boat for almost 7 years. It is their
hope that you will be able to enjoy the cruising life too, even
if only for a few days at a time.

Email Greg Mulvany for more information.